Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I am so bad at this!

My posts are getting fewer and farther between. So sad.
Anyway, the bright spots of yesterday...
1. Kudos to the Dupage County Dept. of Health for running such an efficient vaccination operation. Matt and I got our H1N1 up-the-nose shots last night and it took no time at all. Yes, we trust the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. No, I don't think it's Obama's attempt at mind control.
2. My cousin Ali is staying with us this week and she is inspiring us all to eat healthier. I think she's definitely got a point that we rely too much on wheat products and should try to eat more fresh produce. I love it. Matt is suffering through it.
Dim spot of today...
1. Carrie Prejean rears her ugly head on the Today show this morning to promote her new book (seriously?) and to sort of address her sex tape scandal. Will she never go away? I was particularly disappointed to see Meredith drop the ball entirely on follow-up questions. Her skeptical, slightly disapproving look was just not enough. Carrie says something about the media's liberal bias and how only CONSERVATIVE woman are attacked by the press (Keith Olberman  and Sean Hannity are the press? So many questions here.) Her example: If Hannity had criticized Sonia Sotomayor, he would have lost his job. Really, Carrie? Do you only watch Hannity when it's your overly made-up face on the screen? Really? You didn't catch Sotomayor being called a racist by every right-wing talk show host in America? Really? Who is coaching this idiot?

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