Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy holidays!

So this morning I saw my first few Christmas-colored TV commercials, as well as a few that explicitly mention the holiday shopping season. My favorite holiday-decorating-obsessed Facebook friend announced her Halloween lights were packed away and she was starting to decorate for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And then Dylan and I headed to Kohl's to spend the Kohl's cash we earned during last week's buying frenzy - which, by the way, is my new term for what I can easily do at Target and have now done at Kohl's. As I explained to Matt, it is not a shopping spree if it is done at either of those stores since it depresses me that I now buy most of my makeup/clothing/accessories there because my only other option is the overpriced stuff at the mall or the insanely priced boutiques in my little town. Anyway... So we were browsing the crappy nylons section, where you can get 3 different shades of tan in the cheapest nylon material ever created, when I suddenly realized we were listening to Christmas music. Not even Hannukah music, which is usually well before Christmas, so slightly more time-appropriate, although I have no idea when Hannukah is this year, which reminds me that we really need to just stop procastinating and join a synagogue. But no, it was Christmas music, which just felt weird since we finally got a day that feels like fall - 50 degrees and sunny and still lots of pretty leaves falling all over us. Normally I love the holiday season and it can't start too soon for me, but for some reason I resented all this today. I really just want to enjoy the fall. One of my many, many problems is that I can't live in the moment. I'm constantly obsessing about the future - tomorrow or 10 years from now. I obsess about the good stuff but also, of course, about all the bad things that can happen to me and my family. I mean, what if we can never afford that amazing house on the corner, or we can't afford the patio, or Dylan never grows any more hair? And this swine flu thing is just killing me! But then I have to remember what Matt said to me the other day when I was freaking out about something or other. He said something like "All we have is today and nobody can take that away from us." Which, of course, made me all teary. But it's true. I think that's why babies are so peaceful. They have no sense of the future, so they can't worry about it. They just live in the moment. Which is something I need to try harder to do. Even if it's difficult to do with the Grinch showing up on TV any day now.


  1. If your babies are peaceful, I'd check the carbon monoxide monitor. . . .

  2. Your title made me feel a little nauseated. I'm totally with you on holding off on the holidays, especially Christmas. We had the holiday music cable channel on for Halloween (playing Halloween music)and when we turned the TV back on the next morning it blasted us with Christmas music. I'm definitely not ready yet.
    Although, I may choose holiday music over the music my neighbors are blasting at me right now. I think this is the third time I've heard Dancing Queen tonight.

  3. Oh no! Are they watching Mamma Mia? Torture!
