Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear Leader, please watch Vampire Diaries instead!

Matt has suggested I write about President Obama's inclusion of Entourage as one of his favorite TV shows. I'm a little hesitant to make too much of it. I have a feeling he enjoys Entourage as much as his predecessor liked Camus's The Stranger. Perhaps it's Barack's way of appearing in touch with his fellow beer drinkers the way Bush tried to appear to have a thought in his itty bitty brain. But if it is true, I'm hoping he watches the show the way I forced myself to finish Exit Ghost: It's certainly not anyone's best work but it's (morbidly) fascinating to see thinly veiled depictions of someone you know.
I watched Entourage's first season and appreciated it as a male version of Sex and the City. It was doubtful an accurate portrayal of anyone's life before these characters were created to imitate. Now, just as we have far too many women trying to be Carrie Bradshaw, overlooking the obvious misery that would plague such a materialistic and vapid lifestyle, we also have groups of idiot men receiving the validation they need to continue treating women like objects with no threat of consequences of any kind.
Now I know several of my friends will disagree, but think about it. Four grown men living completely dependent on each other, no real female friends, well beyond the age when "bros before ho's" is funny but still treating women like ho's. And yes, girlfriends stick around now and then, but do the relationships ever seem mature? (Confession: I know too much about this show because my husband still watches, even though he knows how f'ing horrible I think it is.) Four man-children living a fantasy that is nowhere near reality. Yes, I know it's a TV show and suspension of disbelief and all that. I watch Heroes. I get it. And I don't think all TV needs to have a positive message - this is not the Land of All Back to School Specials. But come on! These guys are total douchebags!
So... if Obama really does spend his free time watching Entourage, what does that say about him? Probably nothing. Even smart guys like mindless crap once in a while.


  1. For the record, Roth never met or laid eyes on me -- so EG can't be a "veiled" depiction of me, at least.

    I agree Obama probably receives executive briefs on the characters, and probably has speechwriters pepper his addresses with carefully vetted references. He's pretty teleprompted in everything he does.

  2. I don't know, Joe. It's pretty freaky. Maybe he spied.

    I think you can't really trust what a president or any high level celeb says is their taste. Strangely there is too much at stake for them to be honest. Too many people to piss off.
