Friday, October 23, 2009

First Post!

If you're reading this, you're likely one of the oh-so-lucky few invited to join my blog. Yes, it's been a slow afternoon, and yes, I'm craving a little adult interaction, and no, I can't just pick up the phone and call somebody because that would defeat the purpose of this blog!
So here we go...
As we are coming up on a Friday evening, I don't expect many immediate responses, but let's just get this thing started. I'm going to suggest a topic to begin. In the future, please feel free to suggest your own topics, but keep in mind that anyone can read this. So don't post something you wouldn't want attached to your name.
OK, topic numero uno. Do we love or hate Facebook? Do 267 people really like me - enough to want to know what I ate for dinner last night? Is it making me a lazy friend or a better friend? Is it better to comment on a friend's status update or to call her to talk for a few minutes? Discuss.


  1. And yes, I do see the irony in discussing this by blog. Whatever!

  2. I guess there are times when I hate facebook, but that's because its is a proxy for my boredom. Just like I sometimes hate the NY Times or any other website that has nothing new to report the fifth time I check it in 10 minutes -- when I should be doing something more productive, like my job.

    As for facebook's impact on friendship, I think it gives a false impression that you are actually connected to some people when you really aren't. I could probably trim down 90% of my friends and still get the same utility from my facebook account, but of course I won't do that because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

    As for effecting non-virtual relationships, in some ways, it enhances. I've seen more photos of my friends' kids, vacations, birthdays, etc., than I ever did before face book. And I occassionally enjoy a witty comment or status. In some ways, it hurts. Because you have a false impression of being connected, you don't take the time to connect in real time.

  3. Marcus is in the corner crying because you just told him that his 586 or so "friends" are not real. As for me... facebook was wonderful at first. It was exciting to see who would "facebook" me. But then I realized that people started to use the word "facebook" as a verb and the thrill was gone. Steph- I love this!

  4. For me, Facebook is a good way to keep up (not necessarily 'in touch') with acquaintances. Most of my close friends are still avoiding it and people I'd email or call anyway. I do enjoy the occasional witty remark but get annoyed with gratuitous details about peoples' lives.

    True to my passive nature, I tend to communicate through pictures. If people want to see what I'm up to they have to actively look at my albums. Visual communication is a more comfortable medium for me as well, so I guess it all makes sense...

    FB is a source of entertainment during downtime. I'll admit I check several times a day on my iPhone but try to limit time spent on the computer.

    Mostly, I love to hate it.

    P.S. This is posted by Donna. I can't seem to login without a Google account..
