Saturday, October 24, 2009

Evidence #184 that I'm experiencing brain leakage.

In less than 24 hours, I watched stretches of both Monster Ark on Syfy (love the new spelling) and Marley and Me. Quick, somebody recommend something elitist and highbrow for me to watch!


  1. 'Elitist' and 'highbrow'. . . ? Those are among my several middle names (i.e., my latter forenames). . . !

    Well, how about a sampling of brilliant, foreign and / or arty films on the theme of house-bound women going slowly mad? (N.B. the preferred pompous usage: "film," never "movie," and "mad," never "crazy.")

    Repulsion (Polanski)
    Through a Glass Darkly (Bergman)
    Safe (Todd Haynes)
    The Others (not really 'elitist,' but underrated and amazing)


  2. Oh, and Michael Apted's entire "Up" series is available for streaming on

  3. In the spirit of Halloween, I suggest my absolute favorite horror/coming-of-age/suspense/foreign film in recent memory - Let the Right One In. Unique storytelling + gorgeous camera work + completely non-Muppet Swedish characters = a thoroughly artistic and highbrow version of the scary movie. Plus, since it brings the indie and foreign film cred, feel free to give yourself a smugly satisfied pat on the back. You'd still fit right in with the Bklyn crowd afterall.
